When: Friday 5pm - Sunday noon

Please join us for a weekend of fellowship, conversation and reflection as we share our “tools for the trip” with each other. This retreat, designed for and by women in AA, will explore how we get and stay sober — and how we carry the message forward as we embrace the joy of living. Through speaker panels and small group discussions, fun breaks, shared meals and down time, we will expand our connections, build our Fellowship and celebrate our sobriety.


Retreat registration is $150 per person and includes registration, materials and meals on Saturday. Please also note that you can make an additional donation to go toward scholarships to help other women attend. Many thanks.

Lodging at The Wilson House is separate – book online now. IMPORTANT: Rooms have been blocked out for this event. To access them, you must register for the retreat first and follow the instructions (with a promotional code) in your email confirmation.